An Object-Based Version Control System
Git is limited to the simple file-based approach to version control we have all become accustomed. Git doesn’t “know” anything about the files that it stores.
SmartBranch treats each asset as an “object”. This means it knows and understands the assets that are stored. It knows if the asset is code, a binary, a config setting, a test, a container or any other asset. SmartBranch is uniquely suited for managing Enterprise Apps, SaaS, and Serverless applications. It doesn’t care if the asset came from an on-prem app or a cloud offering. All objects are treated the same. Also, because every asset is stored as an object, it can also perform a diff between any asset in the repo or on a live environment.
Managing assets as objects as opposed to files is part of what makes it possible to use the same universal CDRM-DevOps process for all of your assets.