
CrossVista is Platinum Sponsor of SoftwareAG ProcessWorld 2012 Conference!!!

CrossVista was excited to be a Platinum Sponsor at SoftwareAG’s ProcessWorld 2012 conference.  Furthermore, we were very excited that Nathan Lee, Senior Architect of Macquarie Bank was on hand to speak about Macquarie’s implementation of CrossVista TEAM Server for webMethods.

“This year was an exceptionally great conference for CrossVista.”, says Dan Schirf, Vice President of Sales for CrossVista.  “Having a customer like Macquarie Bank come and speak on CrossVista’s behalf demonstrates the real value that CrossVista offers to its customers.”

By bundling together the functions of Version Control, Change, Config, and Release Management, CrossVista TEAM Server provides one solution for managing all aspects of the webMethods Application Lifecycle.

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