CrossVista showcases how moving from CI/CD to Conflict Driven Development with patented Intelligent DevOps Platform at Software AG’s International Users Group Conference in Dublin, Ireland (April 9-11th, 2024)!!!

Great to be back at SoftwareAG’s International WebMethods User Group Conference!
SoftwareAG’s Super iPaaS has changed the game. We’ll showcase how CrossVista SmartBranch has moved forward with them with full support for Super iPaaS. Come to our session to learn how to improve your code control, remove the need for scripts, and simplify the release management process (CI/CD, DevOps, etc) for your microservices using CrossVista’s new patented SmartBranch capabilities. Come by our booth to hear more about how moving from CI/CD to a CDRM (Conflict Driven Release Management) process can benefit your team! It’s a whole new world!
For more information and to register, please click here…
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